Saturday, December 1, 2012

Calling all english majors....

I'm sure there's a word for it.... When you're working on a Hallowe'en layout and thinking all things creepy and ghouly (if that's even a word), yet the radio is playing Christmas carols and you're also singing along to that. It's a strange paradox. Any english majors know whether there's a word for it?

Nevertheless, a new Hallowe'en layout coming up for all you kit lovers. "Disguise the Limit" is a great layout for beginners, and would showcase your little monsters and monstresses beautifully.

And since the Christmas Carols are still playing, a reminder to come in to the store and make your Christmas Wish List before your loved one buys you a Chia Pet instead of Stickles. Gasp!

1 comment:

Fairy Cardmaker, Lisa said...


"Disguise the limit" - so clever! (And the Chia Pet comment.)